When child starts to hear better he will talk better.
Starting Treatment earlier is always better.
In our experience 95% of children with hearing loss and speech issues don't have any congenital structural deformity- they are Treatable.
5% may have congenital structural deformities like cochlea development issue and nerve development related issues, brain related issues and mental development issues - Our treatment is *Not Treatable.* Through scan such details can be ruled out apart from mental development issues.
1st day consultation and if found preliminary feasibility prescribed for scan ( scan from outside are not discussed as parameters we cover in scan are for starting treatment). first day for scan only.
2nd day with report you can visit us and depends on report treatment will be advised.
In case child don't have any structural deformity and it is treatable you can start treatment with us. Total treatment duration can be said only after direct consultation and testing in consultation on day 2 with scan reports assessment and child hearing & Speech ability.
Total treatment duration may vary from 2 yrs to 5 yrs depends on various factors like hearing and speech development. Treatment by doctor on venue in which 6 month medicine given to practice from home and how to train child to speech development
from home will be discussed and parent can use Our Sakthi Speech Development Series in our YouTube channel Srigiri Ayurvedic Hospital from Episode one https://youtu.be/cAQGnYawt1o Such 300+ Episodes in our YouTube Channel SRIGIRI AYURVEDIC HOSPITAL IS UPDATING DAILY HELPING PARENTS WORLDWIDE.
For children between 1 years to 10 years, We provide treatment to improve hearing capacity and software which has support for 104 language which help parents to teach effectively to child with help of our software. By which parents can assess the improvement in child speech. Unlike other speech development software which encourage head phone or hearing aids we don`t encourage such practices. Our software aimed towards keep evolving to address the children improve skills to enhance.
Sound is an experience and it enhances with clarity. Hearing with clarity is directly reflected in quality of our living. In name of scientific developments we are coming across many inventions that help people in need to hear. How they hear the sound? what they hear as sound determines the quality and clarity to live a better life.
We understand how hard you trying to provide your child the ability to hear and speak. Certain parents out of ignorance or threatens from some people like "DON'T WASTE SINGLE DAY", "YOU ARE ALREADY LATE"- do Cochlea implant or wear HEARING AIDS immediately or else child won't speak tends to choose wrong decision. We advice such parents to fully understand the risk they willing to take towards the child's health and life.
Out of love and affection and trying to save the speech ability certain parents take risk in child's life and do cochlea implant immediately closing all doors of improvements as the natural hearing will be totally disabled by puncture in round window part of cochlea.
We don't treat for children with Cochlea Malformation, Cochlea Nerve Agenesis, Retro Cochlea Lesion, Mental Retardation etc.,
The goal of Srigiri Speech & Hearing Development treatment is to help child to become clear confident communicators so that they can:
Hear naturally and speak orally expressing in much easier way that most of us understand
Provide the ability to face the society without much dependency on instruments or individuals
Actively participate in life experiences
Become fully engaged in school and benefit from the curriculum without hearing aids or cochlea implant
Develop self help skills and independence for activities of daily living
Build healthy social relationships
Kindly find answers for all below questions before choosing any surigical or hearing aid option.
What are the options available to make a child with poor hearing to regain natural hearing by which he can speak better?
Importance of speech development for child who utters words like pappa, mumma, amma, appa etc.,
- Why to give preference to natural hearing regain instead of hearing aid or Cochlea implant (CI ) or Auditory Brainstem Implant (ABI )
What is correct age to start treatment?
How we can assess the child's improvement?
How parents can help child to talk better by proper guidance?
What is hearing aids and how it reduces hearing capacity on longer use? How to improve hearing and speech without hearing aids?
Risks of Cochlea Implants. Source : FDA
General anesthesia is drug-induced sleep. The drugs, such as anesthetic gases and injected drugs, may affect people differently. For most people, the risk of general anesthesia is very low. However, for some people with certain medical conditions, it is more risky.
Injury to the facial nerve --this nerve goes through the middle ear to give movement to the muscles of the face. It lies close to where the surgeon needs to place the implant, and thus it can be injured during the surgery. An injury can cause a temporary or permanent weakening or full paralysis on the same side of the face as the implant.
Meningitis --this is an infection of the lining of the surface of the brain. People who have abnormally formed inner ear structures appear to be at greater risk of this rare, but serious complication. For more information on the risk of meningitis in cochlea recipients, see the nearby Useful Links.
Cerebrospinal fluid leakage --the brain is surrounded by fluid that may leak from a hole created in the inner ear or elsewhere from a hole in the covering of the brain as a result of the surgical procedure.
Perilymph fluid leak --the inner ear or cochlea contains fluid. This fluid can leak through the hole that was created to place the implant.
Infection of the skin wound.
Blood or fluid collection at the site of surgery.
Attacks of dizziness or vertigo.
Tinnitus, which is a ringing or buzzing sound in the ear.
Taste disturbances --the nerve that gives taste sensation to the tongue also goes through the middle ear and might be injured during the surgery.
Numbness around the ear.
Reparative granuloma --this is the result of localized inflammation that can occur if the body rejects the implant.
There may be other unforeseen complications that could occur with long term implantation that we cannot now
Other Risks Associated with the Use of Cochlea Implants
People with a cochlea implant: Source: (FDA)
May hear sounds differently. Sound impressions from an implant differ from normal hearing, according to people who could hear before they became deaf. At first, users describe the sound as "mechanical", "technical", or "synthetic". This perception changes over time, and most users do not notice this artificial sound quality after a few weeks of cochlear implant use.
May lose residual hearing. The implant may destroy any remaining hearing in the implanted ear.
May have unknown and uncertain effects. The cochlear implant stimulates the nerves directly with electrical currents. Although this stimulation appears to be safe, the long term effect of these electrical currents on the nerves is unknown.
May not hear as well as others who have had successful outcomes with their implants.
May not be able to understand language well. There is no test a person can take before surgery that will predict how well he or she will understand language after surgery.
May have to have it removed temporarily or permanently if an infection develops after the implant surgery. However, this is a rare complication.
May have their implant fail. In this situation, a person with an implant would need to have additional surgery to resolve this problem and would be exposed to the risks of surgery again.
May not be able to upgrade their implant when new external components become available. Implanted parts are usually compatible with improved external parts. That way, as advances in technology develop, one can upgrade his or her implant by changing only its external parts. In some cases, though, this won't work and the implant will need changing.
May not be able to have some medical examinations and treatments. These treatments include:
MRI imaging. MRI is becoming a more routine diagnostic method for early detection of medical problems. Even being close to an MRI imaging unit will be dangerous because it may dislodge the implant or demagnetize its internal magnet. FDA has approved some implants, however, for some types of MRI studies done under controlled conditions.
electrical surgery.
electroconvulsive therapy.
ionic radiation therapy.
Will depend on batteries for hearing. For some devices new or recharged batteries are needed every day.
May damage their implant. Contact sports, automobile accidents, slips and falls, or other impacts near the ear can damage the implant. This may mean needing a new implant and more surgery. It is unknown whether a new implant would work as well as the old one.
May find them expensive. Replacing damaged or lost parts may be expensive.
Will have to use it for the rest of life. During a person's lifetime, the manufacturer of the cochlear implant could go out of business. Whether a person will be able to get replacement parts or other customer service in the future is uncertain.
May have lifestyle changes because their implant will interact with the electronic environment. An implant may
set off theft detection systems
set off metal detectors or other security systems
be affected by cellular phone users or other radio transmitters
have to be turned off during take offs and landings in aircraft
interact in unpredictable ways with other computer systems
Will have to be careful of static electricity. Static electricity may temporarily or permanently damage a cochlear implant. It may be good practice to remove the processor and headset before contact with static generating materials such as children's plastic play equipment, TV screens, computer monitors, or synthetic fabric. For more details regarding how to deal with static electricity, contact the manufacturer or implant center.
Have less ability to hear both soft sounds and loud sounds without changing the sensitivity of the implant. The sensitivity of normal hearing is adjusted continuously by the brain, but the design of cochlear implants requires that a person manually change sensitivity setting of the device as the sound environment changes.
May develop irritation where the external part rubs on the skin and have to remove it for a while.
Can't let the external parts get wet. Damage from water may be expensive to repair and the person may be without hearing until the implant is repaired. Thus, the person will need to remove the external parts of the device when bathing, showering, swimming, or participating in water sports.
May hear strange sounds caused by its interaction with magnetic fields, like those near airport passenger screening machines.