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Select videos of Tinnitus & Treatment

Tinnitus is alarm signal our body provides us to take care of ear. 

Tinnitus is not neural problem. Without understanding it and taking nerve strengthening tablets or tinnitus masking sounds will increase condition as we continue exposing to causative reasons. 

It occurs as symptoms of hearing loss, internal Injury, Certain Drugs side effect, meniere's disease Etc., . Understand your condition and plan treatment with us.

Don't use ear plug, hearing aids or Tinnitus Maskers which may cause greater damage.

Dental corrections involving motor scrubbing etc., Blood thinners like Aspirin etc., Blood pressure Tablets, Fits tablets may increase the condition. Kindly bring current medication names with dose to understand condition better.


  1. Normal hearing limit in an audiogram doesn't mean ear is normal. Patient may have 10% to 90% of cochlea pathology. But we get misguided by audiogram report stating Under normal limit. So what is Normal hearing limit means? It denotes you doesn't require hearing aid thats all. So kindly ask yourself if everything normal why hearing tinnitus? Do read further & watch above video to know more... Needs to get opinion for your condition send your latest audiogram by clicking HERE or whatsapp to +919965443441 

  2. Not hearing tinnitus does not means patient tinnitus is stopped or cured, it might be hearing condition gone worst then hearing limit of tinnitus also.

  3. If patient taking treatment for hearing loss who doesn't able to hear tinnitus due to hearing capacity going lower then tinnitus hearing limit may start to hear tinnitus during course of treatment when hearing capacity is rising which doesn't need to be worried.

  4. Tinnitus is not a nerve problem. Taking medicine for nerve strengthening etc usally waste of time and reduces hearing capacity. 

  5. Untreated hearing loss & tinnitus may lead to greater loss. Nerve cut, nerve weakness etc., are baseless if said to use hearing aid. If nerve problem even cochlea implant will not work, how come hearing aid then?

  6. Puting further pressure  to cochlea by putting hearing aid may lead to higher hearing loss and may lead to vertigo.

  7. During hearing loss treatment patient starts to hear to lower levels of sounds and answer butmay feel issues with group conversation, as wave landing is disturbed due to cochlea pressure still higher and lesion inside.

  8.   For Tinnitus & Vertigo There is no need to take medicine for life time while treating for root cause of the problem. Only medicines which are given as symptomatic treatment requires such life time medication which might increase condition. SO kindly try to understand about your condition and treat for root cause of the problem. For some it never get a break in  because their air conductive limits are much lesser then hearing limit of tinnitus. certain case hammer & anvil bones got removed and ear drum directly in contact because of surgical correction is not treatable in our treatment. Patient with tinnitus must treat for tinnitus before going for surgical correction of ear drum to prevent higher degree of hearing loss post surgery.  It is always better to get opinion.


Tinnitus is noises in the head, not related to any psychiatric condition. The noise can be heard anywhere in the head or in one or both ears.Imagine a constant ringing, buzzing or whistling in your ear, 24 hours a day. It is called tinnitus. Nobody else but you can hear the noise because it does not come from any external source. Although you are the only person who can hear the noise it is not a result of your imagination.

Upsetting noise and upsetting silence

One of the biggest problems mentioned by sufferers is their irritation with the incessant sound in their ears and heads often intensified by varying degrees of hearing loss. This combination often makes it difficult to conduct an ordinary conversation. Many tinnitus sufferers do not like quiet, as this only amplifies their tinnitus. Others find excessive noise uncomfortable. Again, tinnitus can be perceived in many different ways. To some tinnitus sufferers, certain high-frequency sounds can be very painful. This condition is also known as hyperacusis.

Common problems among tinnitus patients:

  • Sleeping problems

  • Persistence Hearing problems

  • Despair, Frustration, Depression

  • Annoyance, Irritation

  • Hyperacusis

What Causes Tinnitus?

Many causes - almost everything that can go wrong with our ears can produce tinnitus as a symptom! Perhaps as simple as wax against the eardrum, or as serious as a tumour on the hearing nerve. Otosclerosis (fixation of the tiny stirrup bone in the middle ear) can produce tinnitus; so can Meniere's disease. A major cause of tinnitus is EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE NOISE, e.g. chain saws, machinery, rock concerts. Noise destroys!

What Can Make Tinnitus Worse?

  1. Hearing aid, Ear phone or any sound source from near.

  2. Loud noise! - Exposure to sudden or long-term noise can damage your hearing with resultant deafness and tinnitus. High-risk groups include industrial workers, farmers, transport workers - and don't forget that noisy lawn mower! Reduce the noise source or protect your ears with earplugs, or ear muffs. Leisure noise can also be a hazard, e.g. rock concerts, boom boxes in cars and misuse of a Walkman - never play it loudly.

  3. Stress and Fatigue - They make tinnitus worse! Keeping busy - trying to focus your energies OUTWARD AND AWAY from the tinnitus - is an excellent idea, but stress and fatigue only undermine you. Minimise them by rethinking your lifestyle. Understanding about condition is best stress reducing factor.  

  4. Medications - It is essential to tell doctor about your tinnitus; some common medications cause tinnitus as a side effect or make your existing tinnitus worse. Take special care with medications for Blood pressure, anti cholesterol drugs, arthritis, rheumatic diseases, some antibiotics, and anti-depressants. Also aspirin - ask your doctor about alternatives.

  5. Try easing off caffeine (tea, coffee, coca-cola, chocolate), and alcohol as they can temporarily worsen tinnitus for some people. Avoid quinine - as in tonic water. Nicotine and marijuana too. Smoking narrows your blood vessels which supply vital oxygen to your ears and their sensory cells. PLEASE - quit smoking!

  6. Using ear plugs will worse tinnitus.

Tinnitus Treatment

Usually human ear tends to hear sound in different tracks and once a person tends to have disturbance in level of 10 to 20dBHL then they attain a stage where small sounds not heard by them so there occurs a scenario of hearing sound due to cochlea pathology and often the sound tends to be changing depends upon the nature of internal cochlea pathology.

There are relatively lesser percentage of patient with tinnitus where the condition are Hard to treat like conditions of meniere's disease and not treatable in some conditions like tumor etc.,

If doctor consider the patient condition is fit for the treatment then only the patient will be taken to treatment Depending upon condition of patient the treatment will differ and our treatment is unique ayurvedic treatment where patient is made to instill 10 drops of our unique ayurvedic medicine and made to shake three parts of ear and clearly swap medicine fully after which the Marma chikitsha done to patient after which patient will clearly hear lower decibel sounds clearly and result will be evident and shown to all.

slopping is 8000Hz area denotes cochlea pressure is increasing and not readable level in 8000hz  denotes pressure in critical limit.

Once Cochlea pressure starts to reduce the hearing improves and tinnitus sound gets lowered gradually and stops at a point of condition. only by improving inner condition of cochlea tinnitus can be treated successfully. 

Once gap between Bone conductivity and Air conductivity reduce, the tinnitus sound will fade away by dominent air conductivity sounds and persons with disturbance at 20 dBHL on 4000HZ and 8000Hz will have lot of agony as wavelength is lesser and disturbance is higher for those persons. Depending upon hearing level and type of loss the regain treatment of Srigiri Ayurvedic Hospital helps to treat the Tinnitus condition.

By improving Air conductivity tinnitus can be stoped as it will mask bone conductivity sound.

Treating at earlier time is must to stop tinnitus as untreated tinnitus leads to Sensorineural hearing loss.

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